
Star wars rose tico fucked
Star wars rose tico fucked

How many times have you heard stories about someone tracking down the source of a horrible post, only to find it made by a sullen teenager who was bored and wanted to get noticed? A good chunk of the hatred geared towards Rose's character is just bigoted drivel that isn't even worth paying attention to. And who's to say that these trolls even mean what they're screaming about? The Internet has created a culture where attention is all that people value, and where they'll do absolutely anything to get it. People who hate someone just because they're female, non-white, and on the shorter and heavier side can't be reasoned with. These complaints really aren't worth digging into. They're the ones who hate the fact that Star Wars dared to include a female character that wasn't a white, British supermodel. The first group is comprised of the hateful, bigoted complaints you'd expect. So again I have to ask, why? After reading far too many angry blog posts and watching a truly nauseating amount of YouTube videos, I came away with three key complaints concerning Rose's character, none of which really hold water. Ahmed Best, the man behind Jar Jar, almost committed suicide because of all the hate he got, not just from Star Wars fans, but also from African Americans who claimed he was playing a minstrel character. What about this fictional woman is so repugnant, so loathsome, that people, even people who claim to not be sexist and racist, felt the urge to scream about it online and direct hateful messages toward an actress doing her job? Why is she viewed as the worst Star Wars character ever? Need I remind you that this is a franchise that has Jar Jar Binks, the Ewoks, and Watto in it? I don't even want to bash those characters too hard since they have tragic backstories. There has been an unbelievable amount of hatred directed towards her, and her portrayer, Kelly Marie Tran, and I genuinely do not understand why.

star wars rose tico fucked star wars rose tico fucked

I wanted to unpack what it was about the character of Rose Tico that made people so angry. Apparently, I'm a masochist who hates himself because the other day I went online and decided to go digging through the whole Star Wars: The Last Jedi controversy again.

Star wars rose tico fucked